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Where Get Wisconsin Workers Compensation Information

by | Mar 15, 2013 | Uncategorized |

Injured workers have a lot of questions about workers compensation law, especially after the insurance company cuts off their benefits.  An execellent source of information about how worker’s compensation law operates is an experienced worker’s compensation attorney.  Feel free to call McCormick Law Office with your questions about neck or low back injuries caused by a work accident or work job duties.

In addition, there is a great resource for general information about Wisconsin worker’s compensation law and procedures at the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, also called the Worker’s Comp Department.  For questions about retraining, go to the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, sometimes just called the DVR.

Most experienced workers compensation attorneys will spend a few minutes with a person on the telephone in order to determine if there is an issue for which the attorney could provide representation.  There is no charge for this.  There are times though, when the person’s question is outside the area typically covered by the attorney. In that case, the person may contact the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development with general questions.  The Department is not designed to give legal advice.  Legal advice specific to an person’s particular situation should only be given in the context of a formal attorney-client relationship, in other words, once the client has hired the attorney.  Because of the contingent fee, it does not cost the client any money to hire an attorney, the attorney gets paid a 20% fee on only the benefits the attorney helps to obtain for the client.

