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Truck accidents and meeting a victim’s needs

by | Feb 26, 2015 | Truck Accidents |

Some of the most dangerous winter driving is found on Wisconsin roads. Traveling the interstate highways alongside an unqualified or inattentive truck driver on a sunny summer day can be dangerous. At this time of year, it could be a collision waiting to happen.

While it’s true bad weather might play a role in your 18-wheeler accident, there are many other reasons why such a crash might happen. Truck accidents are some of the most serious in which a person can be involved. Mostly, this is because of the sheer size of the semi-truck in comparison to a passenger vehicle. On our practice page, we talk about how victims often suffer multiple broken bones and traumatic brain injuries. Families can be devastated – emotionally and financially.

It’s always important to search out any facts contributing to the accident cause to determine the strength or weakness of a claim. For example, an in-depth investigation may reveal truck driver fatigue was relevant. Most people realize how difficult it can be to spend hour upon hour driving. It’s for this reason federal trucking regulations are in place setting a limit to drive time without rest periods. Drivers are required to keep accurate logs, and trucking companies must monitor their drivers for compliance. Trucking companies can also be held liable for drivers’ actions on the road, improper truck maintenance or other issues if they contributed to the wreck.

Insurance companies may undervalue a claim. Representatives are tasked with minimizing the payout. This is a good reason to avoid signing or accepting anything without advice from an experienced advocate who can properly value your claim. In the overwhelming accident aftermath, it can be difficult for families to recognize their future financial needs and true losses. Instead, families can focus on recovery while allowing a legal professional to investigate, seek compensation and protect rights going forward.

