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Fatal boat crash leads to wrongful death lawsuit

On Behalf of | Sep 29, 2017 | Uncategorized |

A fatal boat crash has led to a wrongful death lawsuit against a man from Hartland. The defendant’s assets were frozen earlier in September by a Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge. The defendant has been accused of causing a fatal boat crash in Delafield this past August.

The wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the husband of the victim. The victim was killed on Aug. 11 when a boat operated by the defendant collided with a pontoon boat that held the victim. The victim and her husband had been fishing at the time of the crash. The defendant was reportedly operating his boat while drunk. The accident occurred on Lake Nagawicka.

The victim was thrown into the water because of the impact of the crash. She drowned after being thrown into the water. The driver of the other boat was charged with homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle.

The lawsuit is seeking damages for funeral expenses, burial expenses, the loss of companionship and the loss of society for the husband. The plaintiff asked the judge to freeze the assets of the defendant because he believes insurance assets might not be enough to create a satisfactory judgment against the defendant.

Court documents show that the defendant makes $260,000 per year plus bonuses. Records also show that the defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge of homicide on Aug. 25. He was released on $10,000 cash bond.

Losing a loved one due to the negligence of another is incredibly difficult. Personal injury attorneys in Milwaukee will be able to review your case, provide you with sound legal advice and walk you through the entire process.

Source: journal sentinel, “Wrongful death lawsuit filed against Hartland man charged in fatal Delafield boat crash,” Sep. 21, 2017

