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How is distracted driving defined for trucks?

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2017 | Truck Accidents |

Distracted driving has become a big problem across the state of Wisconsin and the entire country. With technology becoming more and more a part of everyday life, distractions have seeped into our vehicles. Driving distracted can be deadly, especially when around large trucks. Here is how distracted driving is defined for trucks in Wisconsin.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) does not allow truck drivers to operate their rig for interstate commerce while using a hand-held device. Any driver who is caught using a hand-held device while operating his or her rig is subject to hefty fines and being taken off the road for an extended period.

The rules set forth for hand-held devices do not cover devices used for dispatching truck drivers. This means that drivers are still able to use their communication devices to talk with their dispatchers and other drivers on the roads of Wisconsin.

Even though drivers are permitted to use their communication devices, they cannot use them to text. This is because texting on one of these devices is not indistinguishable from texting on a mobile phone or other hand-held device like a tablet.

Drivers who do not follow the distracted driving rules set forth by the FMCSA will put themselves and their employers in a precarious situation. Employers can be fined a large amount if drivers are caught using hand-held devices. Employers can also see their Safety Measurement System ratings drop.

Have you been involved in a truck accident in Milwaukee? Knowing your rights and all your options available are two important items an experienced personal injury attorney can discuss with you.

Source: Trucking Truth, “Distracted Driving For Truck Drivers: The Penalties And Risks,” Brett Aquila, accessed Sep. 08, 2017

