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Workers Compensation Lumbar Disc Herniation Symptoms

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2018 | Uncategorized |

Workers Compensation Lumbar Disc Herniation Symptoms causes two types of pain in injured workers, which are work-related and require workers compensation benefits to be paid. First, Mechanical pain is pain that comes from the parts of the spine that move during activity, such as the discs and ligaments. Pain from inflammation occurs when the nucleus squeezes through the annulus. The nucleus normally does not come in contact with the body’s blood supply. However, a tear in the annulus puts the nucleus at risk for contacting this blood supply. When the nucleus herniates into the torn annulus, the nucleus and blood supply meet, causing a reaction of the chemicals inside the nucleus. This produces inflammation and pain, which is generally focused in the middle low back and does not radiate. Second, a disc herniation may also put pressure against a spinal nerve exiting the neural foramen. Pressure on an irritated or damaged nerve can produce pain that radiates along the nerve called neurogenic pain and shoots down a leg.

Many cases of lumbar disc herniation result from degenerative changes in the spine. The changes that eventually lead to a disc herniation produce symptoms gradually. At first, complaints may only be dull pain centered in the low back, pain that comes and goes over a period of a few years. Small tears in the annulus become larger cracks spreading pain into the buttocks or lower limbs. Degenerative changes are caused, accelerated and aggravated by physical job duties over time.

When the disc herniates completely through the annulus, it generally causes immediate symptoms, with sharp pain that starts in one hip and shoots down part or all of the leg. Commonly, patients no longer feel their usual back pain, only leg pain. This is likely because painful tension on the annulus releases when the nucleus pushes completely through.

Pressure on the nerve can also cause sensations of pins, needles, and numbness where the nerve travels down the lower limbs. If this happens, a person’s reflexes slow. The muscles controlled by the nerve weaken, and sensation in the skin where the nerve goes is impaired.

McCormick Law has proven workers compensation attorneys with years of experience in achieving settlements for workers compensation lumbar disc herniation when the medical records and doctor opinions support it being work-related. It is important the records are consistent with trustworthy and honest documentation of facts. Experience with back injuries and knowing the experts and surgeons leads to success in results. Workers comp benefits include paying medical bills, time off work and money for permanent disability. The time to call for free consultation on attorney representation is before the process has moved passed you and things are set in stone.

