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How can avoid truck accidents in Wisconsin?

by | Nov 28, 2018 | Truck Accidents |

If you buy some clothes or food in Wisconsin, the odds are that your purchases came to you on a truck. Four out of five American communities receive all goods by truck, and this service can come at a price. Truck driving is one of the nation’s most dangerous professions, and the casualties are not only truck drivers.

What are the main factors in harmful or deadly truck accidents?

A study by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) found that out of around half a million incidents every year, nearly 90 percent of truck accidents involved a driver’s actions or lack of actions. The most common reasons for a bad action or inaction are excessive speed, driver fatigue and distractions while driving.

How can other drivers recognize these risks?

Speeding is the easiest offense for other drivers to notice about a trucker. It is best to allow trucks to leave your area of the road as quickly as possible; drivers should never linger near speeding trucks. Tired and distracted drivers often make small mistakes, like leaving their lanes and slowing or accelerating suddenly with no visible explanation. Give these drivers a wide berth as well.

What should I do if I am in a truck accident?

If a person has been injured, the first step is to call 911 or other emergency service line to request help. Once the scene and all on it are secure, take photographs and note the details of the accident for future use. It may be advisable to contact a lawyer if financial damages may be required to make up for the damage or injury from a truck accident.

