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What are the best biking policies in cold weather?

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Motorcycle Accidents |

Wisconsin’s open plains and beautiful riverside drives make for good motorcycle trips. The area is very popular among local and distant bikers alike, although there are some hazards that may present themselves. Beyond the issues of potholes and winding roads, winter weather can turn Wisconsin into one big problem for bikers.

What are the most likely problems that bikers encounter in Wisconsin?

Icy roads can cause a motorcycle to slip or even fail to negotiate a turn, leading to a slide at best or a collision at worst. Snow can cause the same issues, as well as packing into brakes or under tires. The cold alone can lessen a rider’s visibility, reaction time or simply make a rider too cold to operate well.

How can bikers best prepare for riding in cold weather?

The first line of defense is clothing. Protective gear including helmets, impact pads and strong fabrics are always a good idea to prevent injury in the case of a collision, but more layers can help keep bikers warm as they face the cold and strong winds.

How can we prepare bikes for cold weather?

Windscreens and hand guards help motorcyclists stay in control in the cold. Fresh antifreeze will help run a water-cooled engine more efficiently. A safe acceleration followed by a quick slowdown can also keep heat in the tires, which improves traction.

What should a person do after a motorcycle accident?

Bikers who fall victim to other people’s poor driving in cold weather have the right to claim financial compensation. An attorney can help review the consequences of a collision and determine if a claim in civil court is the right move.

