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Types of Injuries

Work-Related Cervical or Neck Injury – Treatment

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2019 | Work-Related Cervical Or Neck Injury |

Relief of Work-Related Cervical or Neck Injury symptoms starts with Nonsurgical Treatment. Whenever possible, doctors prefer to use treatments other than surgery. The first goal of these nonsurgical treatments is to ease the pain and other symptoms. The health care providers will work with you to improve your neck movement and strength. They will also encourage healthy body alignment and posture. These steps are designed to slow the degeneration process and enable you to get back to your normal activities.


Many different types of medications are typically prescribed to help gain control of the symptoms of neck pain. There is no medication that will cure neck pain. Your doctor may prescribe medications to ease pain, fight inflammation, and to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Soft Neck Collar

If the pain is severe, the doctor may recommend a soft neck collar to keep your neck still for short periods of time. Resting the muscles and joints can help calm pain, inflammation, and muscle spasm.

Ice and Heat Applications

You might also be advised to place a cold pack on your neck for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, or you may be shown how to do a contrast treatment. Contrast treatments involve switching between a cold pack and a hot pack.

Physical Therapy

Some doctors ask their patients to work with a physical therapist. Therapy treatments focus on relieving pain, improving neck movement, and fostering healthy posture. A therapist can design a rehabilitation program to address your particular condition and to help you prevent future problems.

At McCormick Law Office in Milwaukee, Wisconsin we represent employees with Work-Related Cervical or Neck Injury and do not take any percentage or attorney fee on benefits already conceded by the workers compensation insurance company. For example, if the workers comp company agrees it is a work-related condition and they are paying you a weekly benefit and/or your medical bills, there is no attorney fee or cost to you. If we believe we can help you down the line when the workers comp company inevitably denies benefits, we may still get involved early without pay because it benefits you in the long run to have early representation and better preparation. Some attorneys tell potential clients to call them back after the company denies, and that is fine in many situations. But in significant injury cases that involve surgery and likely permanent work restrictions, we find it is much better for the injured worker if the attorney gets involved early, before the denial, so we are better prepared to engage the fight when it comes. There is no additional cost to the worker.

