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What can a wrongful death claim after a car crash accomplish?

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2020 | Wrongful Death |

Motor vehicle collisions are among the leading causes of death and injury for people across the country, including here in Wisconsin. Most crashes only produce property damage and mild to moderate injuries.

However, some collisions claim lives. In the aftermath of such a crash, a family may be left struggling and confused. It can be hard to accept a death that occurs suddenly, to say nothing of how hard it can be to adjust to the loss of income and additional expenses a crash can cause.

Surviving family members in Wisconsin have the right to bring a wrongful death claim against the person who caused the collision. What does such a claim do?

A wrongful death claim can provide survivors with a sense of justice

Not all crashes that cause a death will result in criminal charges. Even those that do result in charges may not lead to a conviction. In some cases, a defense attorney may be able to challenge the evidence just enough to sway a jury. Other times, the driver might accept a plea bargain that reduces their penalties or the charge itself.

In a situation where the criminal justice system has not provided your family with appropriate justice against the person who caused your loved one’s death through reckless behavior,  negligence or lawbreaking, a wrongful death lawsuit can lead to a judgment that provides some justice for the survivors.

A wrongful death claim can cover some of your financial losses

In addition to having a judicial statement that shows the fault fell to another party, a wrongful death claim that succeeds in court can also result in a financial award to cover provable losses, such as medical costs and lost wages.

Discussing the scenario that led to your loss and its impact on your family with an experienced attorney can be a good starting point for exploring your options and rights.

