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Can you select your own doctor for workers’ compensation care?

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2020 | Worker's Compensation |

Seeing a doctor can be very awkward. They get to see more of your body than most people do. They ask you very personal questions, and they have authority over your health care. You want to be able to feel comfortable with your doctor and trust them.

The more important the treatment is, the more crucial your faith in the doctor becomes. For example, if you get hurt at work, you will likely need a doctor to oversee your treatment and recovery. However, workers’ compensation insurance is a benefit provided by your employer. Do you have the right to select your physician when you need care after a workplace injury or work-related illness?

Wisconsin gives you the right to choose

Not every state allows employees control over their medical care during workers’ compensation claims. In fact, in some states, the employer who pays for the policy can choose the doctor whom the injured worker gets to see.

In Wisconsin, you have the right to select your own doctor for your care. However, your employer does have the option to approve or reject the physician you select.

Learning about your rights when hurt at work helps you protect yourself

If you don’t understand your rights under Wisconsin’s workers’ compensation laws, you won’t be able to navigate the system easily and get the benefits you need during your treatment and recovery period.

Getting professional assistance from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you understand your rights, push for the best possible outcome and fight back if you face a denied claim or other complications after a workplace injury.

