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Workplace robots can cause serious injury

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2020 | Worker's Compensation |

Seventy years ago, the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov envisioned a world where humans and robots co-existed. Much of what he predicted in his book I, Robot has come true.

He outlined three rules robots must abide by if they were to exist harmoniously with humans. The most important was, “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

Why are robots used in the workplace?

While there are no robots walking about the street, they are common in manufacturing industries. They are used to increase productivity and reduce workers’ need to put themselves in dangerous situations. However, while the factory robots certainly do not mean to harm their flesh and blood colleagues, sometimes they do.

These are the ways a workplace robot could injure you

  • A mechanical failure: A malfunctioning part could send hot pieces of metal flying.
  • A hose breaks: Robots are often powered through high-pressure hoses. Think about how your garden hose moves when you turn on the tap and create water pressure. The fluids in hoses used in manufacturing robots are under far more pressure. The consequences of a rupture could be devastating.
  • Their tool arm injures you: Many robots are little more than a mechanical arm holding a tool. They can weld, cut, blast, spray and more. If the tool comes in to contact with you, it could be lethal.
  • They push you into the path of danger: If a robotic arm swings too far to the side and you are standing there, it could knock you in to the way of moving machinery.

If your workplace uses robotic technology, your employer needs to ensure it is safe and put precautions in place to protect you should something go wrong. If a robot injures you, you may need to seek legal help to get the workers’ compensation insurance you need.

