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Tips to help you pay more attention while driving 

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2021 | Automobile Accident |

Lack of focus is a major reason for car accidents. People just do not pay attention for 100% of each drive. Much of the time, nothing happens — you get home and suddenly realize you zoned out and don’t remember some part of your trip.

All too often, though, distraction leads to accidents, which cause serious injuries. Finding ways to improve your attention behind the wheel can be critical to your safety. Here are some tips that may help.

Focusing on the road

To help keep you and your family safe, you need to know how to stay focused and how to pay attention to the road for every trip, no matter how long or short it is. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Get things ready in advance. Type your destination into the GPS, for instance, or pick a playlist on your phone while still in the driveway. ]
  • Commit to leaving your phone in your pocket. If you have to, turn it off. No distraction is worse than a phone in the car, especially since apps are literally designed to create addiction and demand your attention.
  • Forget about multi-tasking. Just drive. We live in a production-obsessed society, but you don’t need to get anything else done in the car.
  • Keep down the number of passengers when you can. Having pets, kids, friends or co-workers in the car can increase the level of distraction you face, even when they’re not directly engaging you.
  • Vary your route. One reason that people lose focus is that they drive the same exact route every day, as part of their commute. Simply taking different ways to work or to the store may force you to focus on the road.

These tips can help you become more attentive and reduce the risks you face. Nothing completely eliminates that risk, though, since other distracted drivers may hit your car. You need to know if you have a right to compensation when this happens. An attorney can help you learn more and protect your interests. 

